The point of this issue is to add a POSITIVE light to the menopause. For many women the menopause has become taboo and deemed quite negative. For many women this, seen as the beginning of the end. Associations with menopausal woman is aging, old, a has been. What if we flipped that idea and embraced it with, wise, confident and experienced. Menopause can be a very vulnerable time for most women and for much of their lives they have been caregivers and have not really devoted much self care to themselves. So let's use this time, in a woman's life, to master SELF CARE. By the time a woman reaches the stage of menopause she has reached a wealth of life experiences, has overcome many struggles and demands of life such as raising families and working and many others. This is a time to CELEBRATE YOU! WELL DONE and Thank your Body!
What is the Menopause?
The menopause is when a woman stops having periods for 12 months. It's a natural part of ageing that usually happens between 45 and 55 years old. However, there is a stage called the PERIMENOPAUSE. Just as puberty takes a few years to manifest while some symptoms are displayed the same with the menopause. Periods may become irregular, heavier than normal, irritability. This is very normal as hormonal levels are dropping.
Symptoms of the menopause?
Most women will experience menopausal symptoms. Some of these can be quite severe and have a significant impact on your everyday activities. Common symptoms include: hot flushes night sweats vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex difficulty sleeping low mood or anxiety reduced sex drive (libido) problems with memory and concentration
Extreme Tiredness
Looking after yourself during the menopause
Exercise regularly
This is one of the best tips for anyone looking to maintain their physical health, and is particularly helpful for increasing bone strength. It will also look after your mental health and can reduce anxiety. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, running and team sports are particularly effective.
Increase Vitamin D and calcium intake to protect bones against osteoporosis.
Wear Layers, avoid alcohol and caffeine, spicy foods can all lead to hot flashes. When experiencing hot flashes take some deep breaths to help them pass and use a fan.
As a woman of 50 who has been experiencing the menopause, for a year now, it has been a journey of many symptoms, emotions and self reflection. A complete change in my body. Mood swings with no warning!! One minute all is well and the next minute a woman emerges unknown to me! Learning to know when these are happening and to say to those around you what is happening and to maybe take deep breaths just to give yourself some time to regroup your emotions. As a, relatively, happy and positive person I began to experience sadness and pessimism. To help with this I spoke to my loved ones and started to meditate regularly. Listened to positive affirmations daily and do at least 10 minutes a day of mindfulness and appreciate myself and where I am in my life.
Weight gain -learning to count calories by using my fitness pal and eating a more consciously, healthy diet and incorporating exercise. While working this can seem difficult so I decided to walk 2.5 miles to work. This has also helped with lowering any anxiety levels. Menopausal symptoms can begin months or even years before your periods stop and last around 4 years after your last period, although some women experience them for much longer. Always consult your GP if you are having severe symptoms and finding it difficult to live with. Learn more on For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice. Source: nhs.ukLearn more